Family Promise in January
January 12-19



We are continuing our Family Promise outreach on Sunday, January 12 – Sunday, January 19, 2025. We will be providing supper and overnight housing for 3 families.

As Usual, Our BIGGEST need is overnight hosts…and this time, we are REALLY SHORT-HANDED!

We know we are going to be short handed, so if you’ve ever wondered about serving as an overnight host, this would be the time to try . Bruce Haas, who generally hosts 2-3 times is going to be out of town, and one of our helper host churches has backed out, leaving us with 5 slots to be filled. Please, when the sign up sheet comes out, take the leap and sign up. One night of a little inconvenience to help these homeless families, is really a wonderful gift. Please prayerfully consider serving as an overnight host.

This is a very meaningful ministry that allows you to serve some of God’s less fortunate children, either by staying overnight as hosts, providing meals, doing laundry, or setting up or taking down their sleeping gear.

Questions? Please contact Ann Backus at .

Please look for further details on the signup sheet that can be found HERE.

Thank you for your help with our Family Promise Week

Overall Coordinators – Ann Backus, and Bruce Haas
Meal Coordinator – Karen Mann
Overnight Coordinator – Bruce Haas