During church services, how often have you said to yourself “Wow, the altar flowers are beautiful!”

We have some talented folks on our Flower Guild, but they depend on your dedications and donations to purchase the flowers they arrange each week. Please check out the ALTAR FLOWER & AUMBRY CANDLE signup book in Henslee Hall and pick a Sunday to give the altar flowers in thanksgiving for or in memory of someone special or to commemorate a special event.

You may also give the Aumbry Candle in thanksgiving for or in memory of a loved one on the same weekly signup sheet.

You may pay through the online giving portal (choosing the Flower Fund Donation option in the giving portal. There is a required memo line for you to put the date for which you are giving the flowers. Cost: $40 for one vase; $80 for two vases. The Aumbry Candle is $10. Alternately, you can mail a check to the church (made out to Good Samaritan) or put a check in the plate on Sunday. Please put “Altar Flowers” and the date in the memo line. Thank you!