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Shrove Tuesday Auction Donations Needed!
It is once again time for the Shrove Tuesday Auction benefiting the Good Sam Youth Mission Trip! This is the biggest fundraiser for the mission trip, and we are LOW [...]
Daughters of the King Meeting
The Good Samaritan Chapter of The Order of the Daughters of the King will meet on March 2 at 12:30 p.m in Henslee Hall. The Order's mission is the extension [...]
Celebration of Father Cal’s 20th Anniversary at Good Sam . . . Mardi Gras Style!
Mark your calendar for a very special Shrove Tuesday Celebration of Father Cal's 20th Anniversary . . . Mardi Gras style! There will be food, fun, and fellowship as we [...]
Ash Wednesday Services
Holy Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes will take place on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at 7:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., and 7 p.m.
Senior Yoga With Susan Weatherford
Please join Susan Weatherford, Bishop Cole’s wife, for a senior yoga class at Good Sam on Tuesdays at 12:30 pm, starting March 11th. If you are interested, please contact Susan [...]
Good Sam Book Club
The March meeting of the Book Club will be on Thursday, March 6, at 6:00 PM in Henslee Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend, whether you have read (or finished) [...]
Welcome Father Ragan!
Good Sam is pleased to welcome Rev. Ragan Schriver to our parish for the next few weeks. Father Ragan is an Associate Professor of Practice at the University of Tennessee [...]
Women’s Bible Study
The Tuesday Women's Bible Study meets every Tuesday evening at 5:45 p.m. in Henslee Hall or through Zoom. They are using the book 12 Extraordinary Women, by John MacArthur. For [...]
Adult Confirmation Class at Good Sam
Adult Confirmation Class Begins on January 12 9:30 - Henslee Hall The Adult Confirmation Class - or Inquirer's Class - continues during the Sunday School hour at 9:30 am. [...]
Adult Formation Henslee Hall
Who Was Thomas Merton – And Why Should We Care? Adult Formation - Henslee Hall Taught by: Kenny Faught January 12 - March 2 We will examine the life [...]
Good Sam Fish Pantry
The Good Sam Fish Pantry is in need of donations to help provide groceries for Knoxville families in need. Those who wish to donate goods to FISH may bring bar [...]
Adult Formation: Coffee & Conversation
Are you looking for a relaxed, informal formation class that allows you to catch your breath before church but also gives you the opportunity for fellowship? If so, check out [...]
Adult Formation: Lectionary Class
The Lectionary Class provides a review and discussion of each Sunday's Lectionary readings. Participants look for what the readings meant to their original audience and how they relate to our present [...]
Youth Mission Trip to Charleston
We will make our 3rd trip to Charleston, continuing our learning about racial justice, the schism and reunification of the Episcopal Diocese there, and exploring the incredible local habitat, [...]
Mt. LeConte Hike
Our annual tradition of hiking to Mt. LeConte will continue in 2025. Mt. LeConte is a hike-only lodge/cabins at one of the highest elevations of the Great Smoky Mountains. It [...]
Altar Flower & Aumbry Candle Signups for 2025
During church services, how often have you said to yourself "Wow, the altar flowers are beautiful!" We have some talented folks on our Flower Guild, but they depend on [...]
Good Sam Youth Featured in Episcopal News Service
You'll want to check this out!! Our youth have been featured in Episcopal News Service (ENS)! Their work with Operation Backyard caught the attention of a reporter at ENS. This reporter interviewed [...]